Welcome message by Chad Fulgham, Scout Troop Master

Since 1957, the City of Falls Church has been supporting The Boys Scouts of America. Our new Scout Troop 1996 proudly continues to serve the community into the future.

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
— Scout Law


Our Mission: Be safe and have fun

Every Scout activity moves boys towards (3) basic tenants: Character, Citizenship and Fitness. For all Boys Scouts and especially for our Troop 1996 we maintain a focus on the following methods to develop them into young men who serve the community…

  1. The Ideals

  2. The patrol method

  3. The outdoors

  4. Advancement

  5. Association with adults

  6. Personal growth

  7. Leadership development

  8. The uniform

What is the Patrol Method?

Collection of Scouts with older Scouts, mid-age Scouts and young Scouts. The older Scouts get to practice leadership, the mid-age Scouts help, and the young Scouts learn. Over the years, the young Scouts become the leaders. Patrol Leader - Boy Scouts of America

What is Scout-Led?

You can't break the law. You must follow BSA Guidelines. Aside from that, our Scouts make the decisions, plan the events, and grow to be young Leaders of Integrity and Character.

How we are organized?

Our Troop meets each Monday evening at Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School.

For official record keeping, we use Scoutbook.com to manage our calendar, newsletter, advancement, Merit Badges, Awards, Camping Nights, Hiking Miles, Service Hours, Leadership, etc. If you have your free account, click on "Login".

What type of Uniform is required?

Boy Scouts Class A Uniform

Boy Scouts Class A Uniform

For Troop meetings and other official events, Scouts wear Class A full uniform (Brown Shirt, Green Shorts, BSA belt, green BSA socks)

Other events require a Class B outfit which means a Troop T-shirt (paired with Green BSA Pants and/or Shorts)